During the banquet at our 30th year Reunion it was decided we would have a get-together every 5 years.
In the decade years (40, 50, etc) we will meet in Sierra Vista for the reunions.
In the 1/2 decade years (35, 45, 55, etc) it will be a destination reunion.
Facebook votes in the months following our 30th, it was decided that in 2017 for the 35th Reunion ….. the destination is in New Orleans… actual dates TBD with Deeann Gammill “waiting on information from the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce to make an official determination of the exact dates. Information will be sent out by Feb. 1, 2013 on the different packages that will be available so stay tuned and keep adding our classmates as you find them!!!”
That’s add them to the Buena Class of 82 Reunion group on Facebook – or let them know of this site – bottom line – let’s find more classmates and get them in the loop.